Robb Vices blog feature: Thoughts on Taste – Tyler Benner of Venn Design
We are thrilled and honored by the profile of Tyler on the Robb Vices blog. Robb Vices, a monthly subscription to storied treasures, echos the best of the best vibes of its eponymous magazine, Robb Report.
Editorial Director for Robb Vices, Jenny Adams, caught up with Venn Design creator Tyler Benner in May over email. After some back and forth and trading of travel schedules, Jenny provided a series of questions Tyler answered on email. Thank you for the editing and improvements, Jenny!
Special thank you’s to:
Director / Photographer - Sean C. Rice
Photographer - Dan Goodwin, David Jee
Models - James Campbell, Caitlin Morris, Jennifer Shin, Amy Spiker, and Cate Bush