“the societal condition of a sedentary lifestyle, characterized by physical inactivity and being constantly in a state of assisted physical support, like always using chairs with back support or in-shoe orthotics, and integrating little or no daily physical movement, exercise, or posture variety. A person living a sedentary lifestyle is often sitting or lying down while engaged in activities like socializing, working, or leisure. Sedentary lifestyles contribute to poor health quality and diseases, as well as many preventable causes of death.”
The Antidote to Sedentarism:
Movement Rich Environments
Active Posture
Oppose gravity for a strong and healthy back
Ground Living
The strength to rise from the floor with no hands
Combat sedentarism, improve your posture and symmetry, and increase vitality, focus, and energy!
What’s the issue with Sedentary Living?
Weak Joints
Poor Blood Circulation
Poor Ergonomics
Heart Disease
As the saying goes, "You are who you surround yourself with," rings true not only in our social circles but also in our office environments. Many of us spend our days glued to our office chairs, lacking the flexibility to move freely. This sedentary lifestyle takes a toll on our bodies, minds, and spirits. Using workspaces that encourage different sitting and working postures can mitigate these negative effects, fostering holistic well-being!
“We are like fish swimming in an endless river of gravity asking, “What’s water?””
How does Venn Design solve this issue?
⇧ Click the video above ⇧
“Strong posture is possible for everyone if you will truthfully accept your starting point and pursue symmetry and balance in a dance with gravity.”
If you know what is possible I trust you can find a way to climb the mountain.
When I fully realized what modern society had done to my body, a holistic approach that addressed all 24 hours of my daily postures was the only antidote to years of deformation and compensated movement patterns.
Interested to learn more?
1) @venndesign
2) @astraarchery
3) @strongfeetathletics
New products are announcing soon. We are on a mission to change the perception of peak athletic potential, ergonomics, and human centered design. To help us accelerate society’s adoption of strong and healthy posture, send a DM or email with your background and ideas.