Venn Ambassador Spotlight: Agi Falenta — Equestrian and Fitness Instructor


Equitness Pilates founder Agi Falenta is a Pilates and fitness instructor, horse rider and international showjumper, and mum of two based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Equitness combines Agi’s passions for horseback riding with functional fitness, and she has led workshops and masterclasses for instructors in the UK, India, Turkey, Poland, Dubai and the US. She is also the creator of the first Interactive Pilates with Props Manual. Read on for our full interview with Agi and follow her on Instagram @equitness.

Tell us briefly about your work, inspirations, passions and philosophy on health and wellness. 

My background is in horse riding and show jumping, I spent all of my teenage years in the stable and on the parkours. As a kid I was diagnosed with scoliosis, so I was advised to strengthen my back and core.

I grew up in Poland and at that time nobody had heard of Pilates, however, I managed to find some books and DVDs based on Pilate’s principles, so I was able to practice myself and fix my back problems.

Many years later, I started to think about this more, about how lots of riders are struggling with back and hip problems. I felt that the right exercise program for riders was a missing link. Most of the time horse riders focus on the horse and its fitness and health, and often forget about themselves. That’s why I started my fitness and Pilates journey. I slowly changed my career and focused more on rider fitness rather than the horse’s, helping riders to gain more balance and a supple body in the saddle. This was when the Equitness was born – equine and fitness. 

I call my practice Functional Pilates, as I apply all of Pilate’s principles and add a little ‘Agi twist’ to it. In my practice, I use lots of small, available, and portable props so that everyone can join. My first beloved prop was a stability ball which I found very beneficial for my horse riding clients. I believe that our bodies need constant challenges and that it hates boredom. Props provide lots of changes and keep the body aware and more supple. The fun factor is very important for me too. I strive to keep every workout session fresh and enjoyable.

My small props fascination led to many new projects. Having an amazing feedback from fitness/Pilates practitioners and teachers about my unique ideas, encourage me to create an Interactive Pilates Inspired Manuals. I am “a proud mama “of ‘Foam Roller Manual level 1 and 2’, ‘Magic Circle Manual level 1 and 2’, ‘Functional Pilates with an elastic band’, Fit ball, Mini ball and Loop band manuals.

I believe that our bodies need constant challenges and that it hates boredom. Props provide lots of changes and keep the body aware and more supple

We're all about movement at Venn. What does a typical day for you look like through the lens of movement?

My passion is movement and I can’t sit still. That’s why I am absolutely in love with the Air Chair! It gives me the possibilities to move constantly even when I am sitting and working on my new books.

I used to start my days by walking my dog, unfortunately we lost our border collie Guinness last year and it is very challenging for me to walk without him. After the kids get to school,  I unroll my mat to experiment and try some new ideas for my classes or for my new manuals. I also record instructional videos for my books, clients or for social media. I love running, so I try to incorporate jogging into my practice at least a few times a week.

Even when I’m tired after a long day, I always feel better when I move. A quick session on the mat definitely saves my day and lifts my spirits!

Why and how do you use a Venn Air Chair? Where in your home, office or workout routine do you use it?

I can’t sit still, so I am using my Air Chair when I am writing my books or doing my office work. As my living room is my studio, office, dining room and playroom,  I had always looked for one piece of furniture that can do many jobs. The Air Chair has everything that I wanted! It’s functional and beautifully designed. 

I also use it when I play with my son. Instead of sitting on the floor and playing Lego, board games or puzzles I lean over the Ait Chair which gives some  release to my back and knees.

What are your favorite Venn Air Chair positions and moves?

I am absolutely obsessed with balance and stability work. I often use the chair in my standing practice to re-establish bond with my body, increase information, target deeper postural muscles and challenge the whole system. 

The Air Chair also plays an enormous role in my total hip replacement post-surgery journey, helping to lighten, ease and release tight muscles.

The human body is fascinating in its ability to heal. Movement is a big part of a healthy mind, body and spirit.

At Venn, we zig when others zag. What's something in work or life that you approach differently - philosophically, physically, emotionally- than others?

I believe in the power of positivity! For many years I struggled with my own problems and health issues. This motivated me to search, experiment and explore different ways to help both myself and my clients. I always try to show my clients that even when we are facing many challenges, if we have a positive mindset we can do everything. 

Ten months ago I had total hip replacement surgery. Instead of being sorry for myself, I turned my hip surgery into a blessing. I am glad that now I am able to understand the human body more and be more helpful for people with similar problems. The “Happy Hip Journey” Course is on the way and I can’t wait to share it soon.

The human body is fascinating in its ability to heal. Movement is a big part of a healthy mind, body and spirit.

Follow Agi on Instagram
@equitness and stay tuned for her upcoming course “Happy Hip Journey.”


Tyler Benner