Movement Rich Environments End Sedentarism in your Home and Office
Hello dear readers, Venn creator Tyler Benner here.
I’m excited to announce the launch of our 2023 Holiday Sale. 2023 has been a transformative year for Venn Design and we are thrilled to welcome new customers, collaborators, and marketing partners. We wouldn’t be where we are without all of you and I’m grateful for the deepening relationships and spreading of Venn’s philosophy. Thank you for giving wings to our dream that becomes more real every day.
Use code through Nov 27 for 20% off site-wide
This year our Holiday Sale is serving double duty, which given our predilection for stacking your life is required at this part of our journey – thanks Katy!! We only run one sale a year and this is it so get your orders and gifts in time for the holidays.
Both as individuals and as a society, we see a big problem with Sedentarism. Simply, we are not using our bodies enough each day, doubly in variety of postures and total exertion. The ossification and weakening is propagandized as supportive and healthy and it is no wonder people are confused or left alone to solve their own problems. This has never been OK with me, hence the path I’ve been tending and pruning through the forest. I’m excited to now share with you the first steps of a longer journey.
A potent antidote to the plague of Sedentarism is to build and create Movement Rich Environments in your home and office. The concept is simple: surround yourself with objects and an environment that prompts you to use your body in multiple postures throughout the day and engage in strengthening and corrective modalities without requiring time to drive to your gym or physical therapy office. What if by designing and engineering our working and living spaces to lower the barriers between us and moving our bodies we unlock health and mobility for those who have given up moving well ever again – now that would be something!

After much searching, I came across BetterThan Studio based in Dnipro, Ukraine. Building upon the sketches we commissioned with Anastasia Morozova, here is a 1) Home Office, 2) Living Room + WFH, 3) Corporate Office, and 4) Studio Apartment. I’m already thrilled with the inspiration and direction because these represent only the lowest levels of our future vision for living and work spaces that empower and enliven occupants. Please do share your questions, ideas, and images of your own inspiring places you only wish had optimal ergonomic furniture solutions. With a bit of teamwork we will combine our efforts with the incredible artists at BetterThan Studio and bring you the top 3 submissions we receive from customers, decked out with the latest and best in Venn upholstery and our favorite movement oriented brands and partners.
Submit images of inspiring rooms and places you only wish had Venn furniture
November is:
Sydney, Australia, based #FitballFriday creator Lisa Kaye has teamed up with fellow Aussies, the amazing Charell Berg and Lauren with 4 weeks of moving creatively. Look no further than their synchronized movements and playful exuberance to witness their bond as friends and colleagues and commitment to their craft.
Please reconsider a get-results-quick mentality and embrace the transformation of consistency. The smiles on Charell’s, Lauren’s, and Lisa’s face shall become your own.
For your chance to win an Air Chair of your choice:
Post your own interpretation of any of the weekly themes to your IG account
Use the hashtag #MOVEWITHVENN
Don’t forget to mention and tag us so we see your posts
Each post = 1 entry
Repost this post to your stories for an additional 5 entries (don’t forget to tag so we see it)
Prize winner will be chosen by random draw and announced via Lisa, Charrel, and Lauren’s Stories on Friday, December 1 at 9:15pm AEST (Australia).
4 weekly themes
Move with abs
Move with sides
Move with backs
Move with standing
Sedentary War
BetterThan Studio – Dnipro, Ukraine
“My native city is on the border of Russia, and it’s too early for me to return home to my flat where everything fits my body. I think of the war every time I stoop over my too-short sink and feel my aching back. The sedentary lifestyle is a disaster. It’s often a bad mood, in addition to feeling bad.
I totally agree and support this effort to minimize the damage of a sedentary lifestyle. I’ve even noticed that when I’m in a jam, I’m nervous, or have a lot of work to do, and I’m sitting on a seat, on an uncomfortable wooden chair - it depresses me even more, and it doesn’t help me cope. It only adds to the problems. Yesterday I had so much work to do I fell asleep early because I couldn’t take this back pain anymore.
Today I tried to move more, I did some exercise at home during the working day, I got some fresh air outside, went for a walk, did a little cardio before and after exercise. Afterwards work was easier and more pleasant. I was able to solve difficulties easily, and the elevated mood did not let me get upset about unpleasant little things.
Unfortunately, because of the war, I am also far away from my parents and friends, which complicates my existence. I wish it would all be over soon. Speaking of traveling, my mom had her own travel agency, and again due to this terrible war, she lost her business, because now no one flies anywhere. And before that, thanks to this business of her life, I managed to visit many places. Too bad I didn’t really appreciate those moments as I yearn for them now.
Appreciate each day: travel, explore mountains, go on hikes, take leisurely strolls in your city. Stay active and don’t stay in one place as no one knows what tomorrow holds. Love yourself and your body; a healthy body nurtures a healthy spirit. I’ve begun to notice positive changes in my life by avoiding a sedentary lifestyle. Let’s see how it transforms yours!”
To sign off, I leave you with some photographs taken on a day of movement with Michael Sylvester. When we say we want to help you climb mountains we literally mean it.
We are like fish swimming in an endless river of gravity asking, “What’s water?”
– Tyler –