Happy Earth Day - Go Outside and Find Beauty




Hi Friends - Venn creator Tyler Benner here.

Though it’s been a while since my last update, Earth Day has prompted me to emerge from behind the scenes and share some of what has been inspiring me. We have some fascinating projects soon to be revealed, so make sure you’re signed up for the Venn Newsletter to be the first to know. We’ve been especially busy bees and our excitement is aligning with nature showing off for spring time.

Before I continue, to those of you located near Chicago, please come visit and say hi to me at Anya’s Reviews Barefoot Shoe Expo, May 5. Venn has a booth and I’ll be interacting and mingling with the 2,000 registered attendees. And, I plan to debut something really special, so come take a peak at our booth and find out what the surprise is! It’s not too late to sign up, so please follow the link above for all the details on timing, location, and registration.

What could I say to you that would be of value, except that perhaps you seek too much, that as a result of your seeking you cannot find.
— Siddhartha

You might have guessed that some days I spend many hours in front of a computer. We’re an omni-channel e-commerce company, and that means we need to have a great website, relevant and current ads on social platforms, and build relationships with influencers and creator partners. To help me recover from the cumulative effects of screens, I take daily escapes from the projected photons and practice a personal mantra of “Go Outside and Find Beauty.” Practicing photography is fun for me as I like the challenge of seeing how many beautiful views I can discover in a day. This philosophy not only helps me improve my creativity and flush away spreadsheet land, but it also has the secondary benefit of inspiring me to move my body as much as possible. A beloved book of mine is Siddhartha, and there are several quotes from it that are pertinent to this subject.

Finding beauty out in nature is special to me because I grew up listening to the trees outside my childhood bedroom window, and my playground was the rolling hills around Central Pennsylvania. I grew up where seasons were real and change was constant. Every season had its own special character and there was always beauty to be found if one could embrace the proper mindset.

My aim is that beautiful photos from my last several months of adventures inspire you to get out in your own nature and get lost in finding beauty. I’m certain you will find it, if only you are willing to step off your normal trail, turn over a few rocks, invite a friend somewhere they’ve never been before, and stay out past when the sun goes down and challenge your eyes to avoid the puddles lit only by stars and moonlight.

When someone is seeking, it happens quite easily that he only sees the thing that he is seeking; that he is unable to find anything, unable to absorb anything, because he is only thinking of the thing he is seeking, because he has a goal, because he is obsessed with his goal.

Seeking means: to have a goal; but finding means: to be free, to be receptive, to have no goal. You, O worthy one, are perhaps indeed a seeker, for in striving towards your goal, you do not see many things that are under your nose.

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Go Outside & Find Beauty


Go Outside & Find Beauty 〰️

Thank you for making it to end of the slideshow! All of the images above were made with my Canon G1X mk iii which packs up really small and affords me the opportunity to always have it on my person on hikes and adventures. For my sign-off, here is a photo of me with my niece Rosalee who took a photo hike with me a couple weeks ago and we snagged this picture before soaking our feet in the lake waters looking for shells.

Please do share your adventures with Venn, we’d love to hear how you’re using your body and creating the movement filled life of your dreams.

~ Tyler


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Tyler Benner